James CochranAge: 21862–1864
- Name
- James Cochran
- Given names
- James
- Surname
- Cochran
Birth | 1862 39 35 |
Birth of a brother | 14 October 1863 (Age 21 months) Lower Tyrone Township, Pennsylvania
younger brother -
Alfred Jones Cochran
Death | 1864 (Age 2) |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
James Cochran
Birth about 1823 Pennsylvania
Death yes Loading...
4 years mother |
Clarissa Huston
Birth 1827 Pennsylvania
Death 1896 (Age 69) Loading...
#1 elder brother |
Philip Galley Cochran
Birth 1849 26 22
Death 1899 (Age 50) Loading...
3 years #2 elder brother |
John T Cochran
Birth 1852 29 25
Death 1891 (Age 39) Loading...
2 years #3 elder sister |
Annie H Cochran
Birth 1854 31 27
Death yes Loading...
2 years #4 elder brother |
Henry T Cochran
Birth 1856 33 29
Death yes Loading...
2 years #5 elder brother |
2 years #6 elder sister |
Pheby Cochran
Birth 1860 37 33
Death 1860 Loading...
2 years #7 himself |
James Cochran
Birth 1862 39 35
Death 1864 (Age 2) Loading...
21 months #8 younger brother |
Birth 14 October 1863 40 36 Lower Tyrone Township, Pennsylvania
Death 1 February 1929 (Age 65) Connellsville, Fayette Co., Pennsylvania Loading...
15 months #9 younger brother |
George Griscome Cochran
Birth 1865 42 38
Death 1931 (Age 66) Loading...
2 years #10 younger sister |
Sarah Cochran
Birth 1867 44 40
Death 1867 Loading...
2 years #11 younger sibling |
Infant Cochran
Birth 1869 46 42
Death 1869 Loading...
Extra information
Internal reference
Globally unique identifier1DADF3D7DC824F0AA0FF9AB0C80A935CF543
Last change 6 October 2019
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