Birth | 3 May 1763 Baltimore Co., Maryland |
Marriage | Elizabeth McClung - View family 1789 (Age 25) |
Birth of a son #1 | 1790 (Age 26)
son -
John Jones
Birth of a daughter #2 | 1795 (Age 31)
daughter -
Ruth Jones
Birth of a son #3 | 1798 (Age 34)
son -
Jesse Lee Jones
Birth of a son #4 | 25 August 1800 (Age 37) Pennsylvania
son -
Samuel Jones
Birth of a daughter #5 | 1806 (Age 42)
daughter -
Elizabeth Jones
Birth of a daughter #6 | 1808 (Age 44)
daughter -
Ann Jones
Birth of a son #7 | 1809 (Age 45) |
Death of a wife | 27 January 1829 (Age 65) Washington Co., Pennsylvania
wife -
Elizabeth McClung
Burial of a wife | 28 January 1829 (Age 65) Ginger Hill, Washington Co., Pennsylvania
wife -
Elizabeth McClung
Death of a daughter | 1830 (Age 66)
daughter -
Elizabeth Jones
Census | 1850 (Age 86) Somerset, Washington Co., Pennsylvania |
Death | 14 March 1863 (Age 99) Washington Co., Pennsylvania |
Burial | 15 March 1863 (1 day after death) Ginger Hill, Washington Co., Pennsylvania Address: Jones Family Homestead Cemetery |
Family with Elizabeth McClung - View family |
himself |
William H Jones
Birth 3 May 1763 Baltimore Co., Maryland
Death 14 March 1863 (Age 99) Washington Co., Pennsylvania Loading...
7 years wife |
Elizabeth McClung
Birth 24 November 1769
Death 27 January 1829 (Age 59) Washington Co., Pennsylvania Loading...
Marriage: 1789 |
1 year #1 son |
John Jones
Birth 1790 26 20
Death yes Loading...
5 years #2 daughter |
Ruth Jones
Birth 1795 31 25
Death 1892 (Age 97) Loading...
3 years #3 son |
Jesse Lee Jones
Birth 1798 34 28
Death 1888 (Age 90) Loading...
3 years #4 son |
Samuel Jones
Birth 25 August 1800 37 30 Pennsylvania
Death 14 June 1867 (Age 66) Fellsberg, Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania Loading...
5 years #5 daughter |
Elizabeth Jones
Birth 1806 42 36
Death 1830 (Age 24) Loading...
2 years #6 daughter |
Ann Jones
Birth 1808 44 38
Death 1889 (Age 81) Loading...
1 year #7 son |
William McKendree Jones Jr
Birth 1809 45 39
Death 1900 (Age 91) Loading...
Note | All the info for Wm H Jones and family I got from FAGrave.
Extra information
Internal reference
Globally unique identifier952AB6A41F8E4FAB9C9BB912A08EA553E849
Last change 13 December 2019
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