June Leona McGonagleAge: 901917–2008
- Name
- June Leona McGonagle
- Given names
- June Leona
- Surname
- McGonagle
Birth | 16 June 1917 Dearborn, Michigan |
Birth of a daughter #1 | 1957 (Age 39)
daughter -
Grace Ann Gustafson
Death of a daughter | about 1970 (Age 52)
daughter -
Grace Ann Gustafson
Death of a husband | 15 June 2003 (Age 85) Brookings, Curry Co., Oregon
husband -
John William Gustafson
Death | 26 April 2008 (Age 90) Brookings, Curry Co., Oregon |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
mother |
#1 herself |
June Leona McGonagle
Birth 16 June 1917 Dearborn, Michigan
Death 26 April 2008 (Age 90) Brookings, Curry Co., Oregon Loading...
#2 sister |
#3 brother |
Family with John William Gustafson - View family |
husband |
John William Gustafson
Birth 18 October 1913 43 41 Pennsylvania
Death 15 June 2003 (Age 89) Brookings, Curry Co., Oregon Loading...
4 years herself |
June Leona McGonagle
Birth 16 June 1917 Dearborn, Michigan
Death 26 April 2008 (Age 90) Brookings, Curry Co., Oregon Loading...
#1 son |
#2 daughter |
#3 daughter |
#4 son |
#5 daughter |
#6 daughter |
Grace Ann Gustafson
Birth 1957 43 39
Death about 1970 (Age 13) Loading...
Note | Douglas told me his mother's maiden name was McGonagle
June says her mother's maiden name is Rogers |
Extra information
Internal reference
Globally unique identifierDE04976601DC7F46AEAFB193885890C759C5
Last change 28 February 2009
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