Margaret Anna GustafsonAge: 921908–2000
- Name
- Margaret Anna Gustafson
- Given names
- Margaret Anna
- Surname
- Gustafson
Birth | about 1908 40 37 Homestead, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania |
Marriage | Robert Thompson Mailey - View family 12 June 1929 (Age 21) Wheeling, Ohio Co., West Virginia |
Death of a mother | 17 November 1945 (Age 37) Munhall, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania
mother -
Elizabeth "Lizzie" Weyel
Death of a father | 11 April 1947 (Age 39) Munhall, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania
father -
Joel "Goel, Joseph, Joe" Gustafson
Death | 2 September 2000 (Age 92) |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Birth 16 January 1867 41 31 Sweden
Death 11 April 1947 (Age 80) Munhall, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Loading...
4 years mother |
Birth 2 September 1870 Homestead, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania
Death 17 November 1945 (Age 75) Munhall, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania Loading...
#1 elder sister |
Pearl Gustafson
Birth about 1893 25 22
2 years #2 elder brother |
2 years #3 elder sister |
Irene Gustafson
Birth January 1897 29 26 Pennsylvania
Death yes Loading...
4 years #4 elder brother |
Edward Gustafson
Birth 30 October 1900 33 30 Pennsylvania
2 years #5 elder brother |
Paul Gustafson
Birth about 1903 35 32
#6 sister |
#7 herself |
Birth about 1908 40 37 Homestead, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania
Death 2 September 2000 (Age 92) Loading...
Family with Robert Thompson Mailey - View family |
husband |
Robert Thompson Mailey
Birth about 1907 Ireland
Death yes Loading...
1 year herself |
Birth about 1908 40 37 Homestead, Allegheny Co., Pennsylvania
Death 2 September 2000 (Age 92) Loading...
Marriage: 12 June 1929 — Wheeling, Ohio Co., West Virginia |
Extra information
Internal reference
Globally unique identifier398AC6AA42725F49AC084E38D069A3C86D6E
Last change 6 January 2016
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