David Brown?–?
- Name
- David Brown
- Given names
- David
- Surname
- Brown
Birth | New Brunswick |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Canada
daughter -
Helen May Brown
Death |
Family with Nancy Peterson - View family |
himself |
David Brown
Birth New Brunswick
wife |
#1 daughter |
Helen May Brown
Birth Canada
Extra information
Internal reference
Globally unique identifierDEAD1C97E65316459C1B9BEF4A3420E394A9
Last change 22 July 2007
ERROR 2: Creating default object from empty value0 Error occurred on line 71 of file hitcount.php in function require1 called from line 83 of file module.php in function getSidebarContent2 called from line 784 of file Individual.php in function getSideBarContent3 called from line 39 of file individual.php
Hit Count: 479