Myron Hubbard PringleAge: 521866–1919
- Name
- Myron Hubbard Pringle
- Given names
- Myron Hubbard
- Surname
- Pringle
Birth | 18 August 1866 41 39 Richmond Township, Canada West |
Birth of a brother | 14 May 1868 (Age 20 months) Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
younger brother -
Almon Dorland "Derlin" Pringle
Birth of a sister | 12 March 1870 (Age 3) Belleville, Ontario, Canada
younger sister -
Ella Lorraine "Gertrude" Pringle
Death of a sister | 11 July 1871 (Age 4) Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada
elder sister -
Alma Isabelle Pringle
Birth of a sister | 4 July 1872 (Age 5) Napanee, Ontario, Canada
younger sister -
Cornelia May Pringle
Death of a sister | 22 September 1872 (Age 6) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
younger sister -
Cornelia May Pringle
Birth of a brother | 12 March 1874 (Age 7) Napanee, Ontario, Canada
younger brother -
George Bidwell Pringle
Death of a brother | 21 October 1876 (Age 10) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
younger brother -
George Bidwell Pringle
Death of a brother | 2 December 1876 (Age 10) Ontario, Canada
elder brother -
John F. Pringle
Marriage | Hatie Clark - View family 30 May 1889 (Age 22) Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Mich |
Death of a brother | 7 June 1898 (Age 31) Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Michigan
younger brother -
Almon Dorland "Derlin" Pringle
Death of a mother | 8 October 1898 (Age 32) Sand Lake, Kent Co., Michigan
mother -
Sarah Ann Fretz
Death of a father | after 1900 (Age 33) Michigan
father -
Alfred Pringle
Occupation | W. Butcher 1901 (Age 34) York, Ontario, Canada |
Death of a brother | 15 December 1905 (Age 39) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada
elder brother -
Alfred Wilbert Pringle
Death of a sister | 28 February 1914 (Age 47) Biwabik, St. Louis Co., Minn.
elder sister -
Sarah Eliza Pringle
Death | 7 February 1919 (Age 52) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada Cause of death: of Nephritis |
Burial | Toronto, Ontario, Canada Address: Prospect Cemetery |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Alfred Pringle
Birth 1 September 1824 39 19 Richmond, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario, Canada
Death after 1900 (Age 75) Michigan Loading...
3 years mother |
Sarah Ann Fretz
Birth 16 July 1827 36 34 North Fredericksburgh, Upper Canada
Death 8 October 1898 (Age 71) Sand Lake, Kent Co., Michigan Loading...
Marriage: 26 December 1848 — , Victoria District, Ontario |
19 months #1 elder brother |
John F. Pringle
Birth 11 August 1850 25 23 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 2 December 1876 (Age 26) Ontario, Canada Loading...
23 months #2 elder sister |
Martha Elvira Pringle
Birth 5 July 1852 27 24 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 21 April 1926 (Age 73) Jacksonville, Duval, Florida Loading...
20 months #3 elder brother |
Norman Newton Pringle
Birth 13 March 1854 29 26 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 13 January 1921 (Age 66) Loading...
2 years #4 elder sister |
Alma Isabelle Pringle
Birth 26 March 1856 31 28 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 11 July 1871 (Age 15) Napanee, Lennox and Addington, Ontario, Canada Loading...
2 years #5 elder brother |
Charles Lewis Pringle
Birth 3 May 1858 33 30 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 1930 (Age 71) Loading...
2 years #6 elder sister |
Sarah Eliza Pringle
Birth 5 July 1860 35 32 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 28 February 1914 (Age 53) Biwabik, St. Louis Co., Minn. Loading...
20 months #7 elder brother |
Alfred Wilbert Pringle
Birth 19 February 1862 37 34 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 15 December 1905 (Age 43) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada Loading...
2 years #8 elder sister |
Birth 14 July 1864 39 36 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 23 October 1924 (Age 60) Loading...
2 years #9 himself |
Myron Hubbard Pringle
Birth 18 August 1866 41 39 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 7 February 1919 (Age 52) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada Loading...
21 months #10 younger brother |
Almon Dorland "Derlin" Pringle
Birth 14 May 1868 43 40 Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada
Death 7 June 1898 (Age 30) Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Michigan Loading...
22 months #11 younger sister |
Birth 12 March 1870 45 42 Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Death 8 January 1920 (Age 49) Clio, Genesse Co. Michigan Loading...
2 years #12 younger sister |
Cornelia May Pringle
Birth 4 July 1872 47 44 Napanee, Ontario, Canada
Death 22 September 1872 (Age 2 months) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Loading...
20 months #13 younger brother |
George Bidwell Pringle
Birth 12 March 1874 49 46 Napanee, Ontario, Canada
Death 21 October 1876 (Age 2) Napanee, Richmond Township, Ontario, Canada Loading...
Family with Hatie Clark - View family |
himself |
Myron Hubbard Pringle
Birth 18 August 1866 41 39 Richmond Township, Canada West
Death 7 February 1919 (Age 52) Toronto, York, Ontario, Canada Loading...
-3 months wife |
Hatie Clark
Birth 30 May 1866
Marriage: 30 May 1889 — Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Mich |
Note |
Extra information
Internal reference
Globally unique identifierF58A6C7347B06F4F8B8EE00752F6E14985F8
Last change 20 May 2017
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