Daisy KelseyAge: 851923–2009
- Name
- Daisy Kelsey
- Given names
- Daisy
- Surname
- Kelsey
Birth | 7 November 1923 22 18 Note: 1940 census |
Birth of a brother | 25 April 1926 (Age 2) Michigan
younger brother -
Charles J. "Chuck" Kelsey
Birth of a sister | 3 January 1928 (Age 4) Adrian, MI
younger sister -
Claudine Kelsey
Birth of a brother | about 1930 (Age 6)
younger brother -
Robert Kelsey
Death of a mother | 25 February 1932 (Age 8) Flint, Genesee Co. Mich
mother -
Vivian Grace Dutcher
Death of a maternal grandfather | 13 February 1961 (Age 37) Veterans Facility Grand Rapids, Kent Co., Mich
maternal grandfather -
Claud Madison Dutcher
Death of a father | 15 June 1966 (Age 42) Mio, Oscoda Co., Michigan
father -
Charles Stanton Kelsey
Death of a brother | 14 March 1986 (Age 62) Los Angeles Co., California
younger brother -
Charles J. "Chuck" Kelsey
Death of a husband | before 2009 (Age 85)
husband -
Edward Shannon
Death of a son | before 2009 (Age 85)
son -
George Shannon
Death of a son | before 2009 (Age 85)
son -
Louis Shannon
Death of a daughter | before 2009 (Age 85)
daughter -
Mary Shannon
Death | 19 May 2009 (Age 85)
<b>Daisy D. Shannon
</b> November 7, 1923 - May 19, 2009
<b>SHANNON,</b>Daisy D. – Of Grand Blanc, age 85, died Wednesday, May 20, 2009 at Avalon Hospice. Funeral service will be held at 11AM Friday, May 22, 2009 at the Swartz Funeral Home, 1225 West Hill Road, Chaplain Brian Hansen officiating. Burial in Crestwood Cemetery. Those desiring may make contributions to the family. Visitation 2-8PM Thursday at the funeral home. Daisy was born in Flint, Michigan on November 7, 1923, the daughter of Charles and Vivian Kelsey and was a lifelong resident of the Flint area. Surviving are children, Doris and husband Dave Bearwell (SP), Edna Johnston and Wayne, John Shannon, Edward and wife Charlotte Shannon; daughter-in-law, Nida Shannon; step-daughter, Vivian and husband Don McKee; many grandchildren and great-grandchildren; sister, Claudine McCloud; many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Edward Shannon; 3 sons, George and Louis Shannon and Bill Days; daughter, Mary Shannon. |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Charles Stanton Kelsey
Birth 17 July 1901 28 23 Adrian, Lenawee Co., Michigan
Death 15 June 1966 (Age 64) Mio, Oscoda Co., Michigan Loading...
4 years mother |
Birth 16 May 1905 28 35 Donnybrook, Ward Co., North Dakota
Death 25 February 1932 (Age 26) Flint, Genesee Co. Mich Loading...
Marriage: 3 February 1923 — Clio, Genesee Co., Mich |
9 months #1 herself |
Daisy Kelsey
Birth 7 November 1923 22 18
Death 19 May 2009 (Age 85) Loading...
3 years #2 younger brother |
Charles J. "Chuck" Kelsey
Birth 25 April 1926 24 20 Michigan
Death 14 March 1986 (Age 59) Los Angeles Co., California Loading...
4 years #3 younger brother |
Robert Kelsey
Birth about 1930 28 24
Death before 2010 (Age 80) Loading...
-2 years #4 younger sister |
Claudine Kelsey
Birth 3 January 1928 26 22 Adrian, MI
Death 30 October 2010 (Age 82) Burton, Genesee Co., Michigan Loading...
Family with Edward Shannon - View family |
husband |
Edward Shannon
Death before 2009
herself |
Daisy Kelsey
Birth 7 November 1923 22 18
Death 19 May 2009 (Age 85) Loading...
#1 son |
#2 daughter |
#3 daughter |
#4 son |
#5 son |
George Shannon
Death before 2009
#6 son |
Louis Shannon
Death before 2009
#7 daughter |
Mary Shannon
Death before 2009
Birth | 1940 census |
Death |
<b>Daisy D. Shannon
</b> November 7, 1923 - May 19, 2009
<b>SHANNON,</b>Daisy D. – Of Grand Blanc, age 85, died Wednesday, May 20, 2009 at Avalon Hospice. Funeral service will be held at 11AM Friday, May 22, 2009 at the Swartz Funeral Home, 1225 West Hill Road, Chaplain Brian Hansen officiating. Burial in Crestwood Cemetery. Those desiring may make contributions to the family. Visitation 2-8PM Thursday at the funeral home. Daisy was born in Flint, Michigan on November 7, 1923, the daughter of Charles and Vivian Kelsey and was a lifelong resident of the Flint area. Surviving are children, Doris and husband Dave Bearwell (SP), Edna Johnston and Wayne, John Shannon, Edward and wife Charlotte Shannon; daughter-in-law, Nida Shannon; step-daughter, Vivian and husband Don McKee; many grandchildren and great-grandchildren; sister, Claudine McCloud; many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Edward Shannon; 3 sons, George and Louis Shannon and Bill Days; daughter, Mary Shannon. |
Extra information
Internal reference
Globally unique identifier3D65E588DA46314BB587130013B4B134A6B9
Last change 22 April 2014
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