Nathan W. WESTCOTTAge: 371825–1862
- Name
- Nathan W. WESTCOTT
- Given names
- Nathan W.
- Surname
Birth | 27 September 1825 26 Pittsford, Rutland Co., Vermont |
Birth of a brother | 13 October 1828 (Age 3) Pittsford, Rutland Co., Vermont
younger brother -
Amos Martin WESTCOTT Sr.
Birth of a sister | 1831 (Age 5) Putnam, Putnam Co., New York
younger sister -
Sarah E. Westcot
Death | 11 December 1862 (Age 37) Seneca, Montgomery Co., Maryland |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Nicholas WESTCOTT Jr.
Birth 29 January 1799 25 25 Clarendon, Rutland Co., Vermont
mother |
Marriage: yes |
#1 himself |
Birth 27 September 1825 26 Pittsford, Rutland Co., Vermont
Death 11 December 1862 (Age 37) Seneca, Montgomery Co., Maryland Loading...
3 years #2 younger brother |
Amos Martin WESTCOTT Sr.
Birth 13 October 1828 29 Pittsford, Rutland Co., Vermont
Death 24 April 1911 (Age 82) Loading...
2 years #3 younger sister |
Sarah E. Westcot
Birth 1831 31 Putnam, Putnam Co., New York
Death 31 January 1871 (Age 40) Montrose, Genesee Co., Michigan Loading...
Father’s family with Nabby GIBSON - View family |
father |
Nicholas WESTCOTT Jr.
Birth 29 January 1799 25 25 Clarendon, Rutland Co., Vermont
step-mother |
Marriage: yes |
Extra information
Internal reference
Globally unique identifierA228F37CFC4CAA4B8143BA241A4805D04F70
Last change 22 July 2007
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