Sarah UphamAge: 451758–1804
- Name
- Sarah Upham
Birth | 13 December 1758 29 Spencer, Mass |
Birth of a brother | 26 October 1760 (Age 22 months) Spencer, Mass
younger brother -
James Upham
Birth of a sister | 15 May 1763 (Age 4)
younger sister -
Mary Upham
Birth of a sister | 1 July 1765 (Age 6)
younger sister -
Lucy Upham
Birth of a sister | 21 June 1767 (Age 8)
younger sister -
Esther Upham
Birth of a sister | 21 March 1769 (Age 10)
younger sister -
Elizabeth Upham
Birth of a brother | 12 August 1771 (Age 12)
younger brother -
Jacob Upham
Birth of a brother | 18 December 1773 (Age 15)
younger brother -
William Upham
Marriage | Asa Washburn - View family 16 November 1780 (Age 21) Spencer, Mass |
Birth of a son #1 | 30 December 1781 (Age 23)
son -
Reuben Washburn
Birth of a son #2 | 20 October 1783 (Age 24)
son -
Levi Washburn
Birth of a daughter #3 | 18 December 1785 (Age 27)
daughter -
Elizabeth Washburn
Death of a father | 15 April 1786 (Age 27)
father -
Jacob Upham
Birth of a son #4 | 27 January 1788 (Age 29)
son -
Seth Washburn
Birth of a daughter #5 | 11 January 1790 (Age 31)
daughter -
Lucy Washburn
Death of a brother | May 1790 (Age 31)
younger brother -
Jacob Upham
Birth of a son #6 | 31 December 1791 (Age 33)
son -
Asa Washburn
Death of a son | 12 December 1792 (Age 33)
son -
Levi Washburn
Birth of a daughter #7 | 21 March 1794 (Age 35) Putney, Windham County, Vermont
daughter -
Sally Washburn
Birth of a son #8 | 13 March 1796 (Age 37)
son -
Jacob Washburn
Birth of a daughter #9 | 29 January 1798 (Age 39)
daughter -
Amity Washburn
Birth of a daughter #10 | 2 August 1801 (Age 42)
daughter -
Lucretia Washburn
Death | 11 September 1804 (Age 45) Note: about half after eight o'clock in the morning in the 46 year of her age according to her husband in the Justice of the Peace Book |
Globally unique identifier | 2E1F66F550D43F43B3D6DADE9F93D454E978 |
Last change | 22 March 2014 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Jacob Upham
Birth 1729 38
Death 15 April 1786 (Age 57) Loading...
mother |
Marriage: April 1758 |
8 months #1 herself |
Sarah Upham
Birth 13 December 1758 29 Spencer, Mass
Death 11 September 1804 (Age 45) Loading...
22 months #2 younger brother |
James Upham
Birth 26 October 1760 31 Spencer, Mass
3 years #3 younger sister |
Mary Upham
Birth 15 May 1763 34
2 years #4 younger sister |
Lucy Upham
Birth 1 July 1765 36
2 years #5 younger sister |
Esther Upham
Birth 21 June 1767 38
21 months #6 younger sister |
Elizabeth Upham
Birth 21 March 1769 40
2 years #7 younger brother |
Jacob Upham
Birth 12 August 1771 42
Death May 1790 (Age 18) Loading...
2 years #8 younger brother |
William Upham
Birth 18 December 1773 44
Father’s family with Sarah Stower - View family |
father |
Jacob Upham
Birth 1729 38
Death 15 April 1786 (Age 57) Loading...
step-mother |
Sarah Stower
Death 21 June 1757
Marriage: 1751 |
19 months #1 half-sister |
Phebe Upham
Birth 24 July 1752 23
20 months #2 half-brother |
Jacob Upham
Birth 23 March 1754 25
22 months #3 half-sister |
Abigail Upham
Birth 24 January 1756 27
Mother’s family with James Smith - View family |
step-father |
James Smith
Death before 1758
mother |
Marriage: yes |
Family with Asa Washburn - View family |
husband |
Asa Washburn
Birth 25 July 1757 34 28 Leicester, Worcester, MA
Death 6 October 1834 (Age 77) Loading...
17 months herself |
Sarah Upham
Birth 13 December 1758 29 Spencer, Mass
Death 11 September 1804 (Age 45) Loading...
Marriage: 16 November 1780 — Spencer, Mass |
13 months #1 son |
Reuben Washburn
Birth 30 December 1781 24 23
22 months #2 son |
Levi Washburn
Birth 20 October 1783 26 24
Death 12 December 1792 (Age 9) Loading...
2 years #3 daughter |
Elizabeth Washburn
Birth 18 December 1785 28 27
Death 3 June 1815 (Age 29) Loading...
2 years #4 son |
Seth Washburn
Birth 27 January 1788 30 29
Death 6 February 1841 (Age 53) Loading...
23 months #5 daughter |
Lucy Washburn
Birth 11 January 1790 32 31
2 years #6 son |
Asa Washburn
Birth 31 December 1791 34 33
2 years #7 daughter |
Sally Washburn
Birth 21 March 1794 36 35 Putney, Windham County, Vermont
Death 16 November 1875 (Age 81) Loading...
2 years #8 son |
Jacob Washburn
Birth 13 March 1796 38 37
Death 26 October 1855 (Age 59) Loading...
23 months #9 daughter |
Amity Washburn
Birth 29 January 1798 40 39
4 years #10 daughter |
Lucretia Washburn
Birth 2 August 1801 44 42
Asa Washburn + Persis Boutell - View family |
husband |
Asa Washburn
Birth 25 July 1757 34 28 Leicester, Worcester, MA
Death 6 October 1834 (Age 77) Loading...
3 years husband's wife |
Persis Boutell
Birth 29 March 1760
Death June 1837 (Age 77) Loading...
Marriage: 26 September 1805 |
Death | about half after eight o'clock in the morning in the 46 year of her age according to her husband in the Justice of the Peace Book |