Ethel M. Blackmore1897–?
- Name
- Ethel M. Blackmore
- Given names
- Ethel M.
- Surname
- Blackmore
Birth | September 1897 40 28 Michigan |
Birth of a sister | 10 September 1899 (Age 2) Brady Twsp., Saginaw Co., Michigan
younger sister -
Beatrice L. Blackmore
Birth of a sister | 1903 (Age 5) Michigan
younger sister -
J. Blackmore
Birth of a brother | 1907 (Age 9)
younger brother -
Russell Blackmore
Birth of a brother | 1910 (Age 12)
younger brother -
Kenneth Blackmore
Death of a maternal grandfather | about 1913 (Age 15)
maternal grandfather -
Samuel Branch
Death of a father | 5 December 1916 (Age 19) St Charles, Saginaw, Michigan, United States
father -
Horace Blackmer
Death of a mother | 1922 (Age 24)
mother -
Elizabeth "Libby" Branch
Death of a brother | 1962 (Age 64)
elder brother -
Clayton H. Blackmore
Death of a sister | 11 August 1968 (Age 70) St. Charles Twsp., Saginaw Co., Mi
younger sister -
Beatrice L. Blackmore
Death of a brother | 23 August 1977 (Age 79) Burton, Genesee, Michigan
elder brother -
Lawrence E. Blackmore
Death |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Birth 18 August 1857 54 42 Kimball, St. Clair Co., Michigan, United States
Death 5 December 1916 (Age 59) St Charles, Saginaw, Michigan, United States Loading...
12 years mother |
Elizabeth "Libby" Branch
Birth 14 June 1869 33 30 Forest, Genesee, Michigan
Death 1922 (Age 52) Loading...
Marriage: 12 September 1886 — Genesee Co. Mich |
20 months #1 elder brother |
Clayton H. Blackmore
Birth 22 May 1888 30 18 Brant, Saginaw Co., Michigan
Death 1962 (Age 73) Loading...
19 months #2 elder sister |
Tracy E. Blackmore
Birth January 1890 32 20
3 years #3 elder sister |
Nellie E. Blackmore
Birth September 1892 35 23
3 years #4 elder brother |
Lawrence E. Blackmore
Birth August 1895 37 26
Death 23 August 1977 (Age 82) Burton, Genesee, Michigan Loading...
2 years #5 herself |
Ethel M. Blackmore
Birth September 1897 40 28 Michigan
2 years #6 younger sister |
Beatrice L. Blackmore
Birth 10 September 1899 42 30 Brady Twsp., Saginaw Co., Michigan
Death 11 August 1968 (Age 68) St. Charles Twsp., Saginaw Co., Mi Loading...
3 years #7 younger sister |
J. Blackmore
Birth 1903 45 33 Michigan
Death yes Loading...
4 years #8 younger brother |
Russell Blackmore
Birth 1907 49 37
Death yes Loading...
3 years #9 younger brother |
Kenneth Blackmore
Birth 1910 52 40
Death yes Loading...
Extra information
Internal reference
Globally unique identifier8BD3ADB81A1442469900837B4ACDD2817AEE
Last change 22 July 2007
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