Josiah WinslowAge: 681606–1674
- Name
- Josiah Winslow
Birth | 11 February 1606 45 Droitwich, Worcester County, England |
Death of a paternal grandfather | 1607 (Age 10 months) Parish of St. Andrew, Worcester, England
paternal grandfather -
Kenelm Winslow
Death of a father | before 1631 (Age 24)
father -
Edward Winslow
Death of a brother | 8 May 1655 (Age 49) at sea
elder brother -
Edward "Governor of Plymouth Colony" Winslow
Death of a half-brother | 20 May 1659 (Age 53)
half-brother -
Richard Winslow
Death of a brother | 1672 (Age 65)
elder brother -
Kenelm Winslow
Death of a brother | 1674 (Age 67)
elder brother -
John Winslow
Death | 1 December 1674 (Age 68) Marshfield, Massachusetts Bay, British America |
Globally unique identifier | 151261B061744047BD02E0E5A69A53F29DD0 |
Last change | 24 November 2017 - 00:00:00 |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Birth 17 October 1560 Parish of St. Andrew, Worcester County. England
Death before 1631 (Age 70) Loading...
mother |
Marriage: 4 November 1594 — London, England |
11 months #1 elder brother |
Birth 18 October 1595 35 Droitwich, Worcester County, England
Death 8 May 1655 (Age 59) at sea Loading...
18 months #2 elder brother |
John Winslow
Birth 16 April 1597 36 Droitwich, Worcester County, England
Death 1674 (Age 76) Loading...
1 year #3 elder sister |
Eleanor Winslow
Birth 22 April 1598 37 Droitwich, Worcester County, England
1 year #4 elder brother |
Kenelm Winslow
Birth 29 April 1599 38 Droitwich, Worcester County, England
Death 1672 (Age 72) Loading...
18 months #5 elder brother |
Gilbert Winslow
Birth 26 October 1600 40 Droitwich, Worcester County, England
16 months #6 elder sister |
Elizabeth Winslow
Birth 6 March 1602 41 Droitwich, Worcester County, England
Burial 20 January 1605 (Age 2) Droitwich, Worcester County, England Loading...
3 years #7 elder sister |
Magdalen Winslow
Birth 26 December 1604 44 Droitwich, Worcester County, England
14 months #8 himself |
Josiah Winslow
Birth 11 February 1606 45 Droitwich, Worcester County, England
Death 1 December 1674 (Age 68) Marshfield, Massachusetts Bay, British America Loading...
Father’s family with Eleanor Pelham - View family |
father |
Birth 17 October 1560 Parish of St. Andrew, Worcester County. England
Death before 1631 (Age 70) Loading...
step-mother |
Marriage: about 1584 |
1 year #1 half-brother |
Richard Winslow
Birth about 1585 24
Death 20 May 1659 (Age 74) Loading...